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How To Do Technical SEO: A Guide For Beginners

today we will talk about technical SEO. 2021 google updates their ranking factor, technical SEO impact on your site. if you do technical SEO properly then your sites ranking possibility is high, so let’s go know what is technical SEO and how to do this

What is Technical SEO?

it is an understanding of the operations of a website. If you are unable to create web pages then you will not be able to index your site.

You can’t hope to rank for any keywords if you have no web pages and a few visitors. Technical seo understands how search engines work so that you can optimize your website to give you better SERP.

if your page ranking in your SERP improves it means that your web pages are being indexed.

Technical seo will be done on all kinds of sites: Traditional Pages: using unique content and images For a website to rank high in search engines technical seo needs to be the best thing of your website.

You can use SEO to help your site get better traffic and more customers.

Why You Should Do Technical SEO

by Ken Kalkin, Any site can make it into the Google listing pages if they have a good keyword strategy and good content Some of the Search Engines Are Changing Google,

Yahoo, Bing, DuckDuckGo Most of us believe that Google is the king, I mean at the end of the day we want to make sure our site gets into the first pages of google.

Part OneTechnical On-Page SEO

You need to focus on on-page optimization, it should be the main concern of every SEO campaign manager . it’s the only thing that can stop you from losing ranking .

because the bigger the change that can be made on the on-page SEO then the more likely it is to reduce the ranking gap.

what is on-page SEO? on-page SEO means taking action on the content and web pages of your website. it means that technical or structured part is optimized in an efficient way.

you can optimize the technical side by doing any of the following: changing font, change the wording, changing the color, finding something is broken,

improve SEO aspect On-page optimization measures are sometimes a little different in each companies.

Optimize Your Site with Analytics

Always keep your site optimized for search engines. google like measurement techniques to find out which pages and actions on your website are improving your search engine ranking.

you need to calculate Page authority. Is your site properly optimized for search engines? Optimize your site and promote your site to your friends and relatives,

explain to them how search engine optimization helps your site. today google uses page authority to rank your website well Google Referral Attribution Model (GRAM)

If you talk to someone with 3 links pointing to your website, then you have a link-building activity.

Create a Google Analytics Account and Setup the Tracking Code

Now, you need to set up a Google Analytics account, if you are new to google analytics tracking code.

Google Analytics is an online analytics platform used to monitor a website’s web traffic and collect information about that traffic This monitoring code is important,

so you need to set up this code correctly in your website Create a code that uses google analytics tracking code Approach SEO Experts If you want to get your site ranking on top then you need to do technical seo correctly.

Fix Errors on Your Webpages

In technical SEO you should make sure that your page is available in all languages as if someone is to search from another country,

your site must be listed in those languages as well. Google uses the news, views, shares, and clicks to links when deciding its rankings. If you are serving it to non-English users,

your site will have problems. In order to fix this error, you will need to link the pages and make sure all the needed codes and redirects are present.

Redirect Your Pages Google considers page redirection very important, if you are offering services in different countries, or in different languages then your pages must be linkable.

Some pages may be redirected in non-standard ways in other countries and this could be problematic.

Check for Broken Links and Redirects

A broken link in google is a serious problem for search engine spiders and usually,

your site gets affected by this. Broken links often indicate that your site has poor internal linking and that your site is missing at least one external link to another site.

Therefore when you go check the URLs of your pages, make sure that they have all possible links, all external ones should be redirect and internal ones should be broken. Similarly,

use 301 redirects whenever possible. If you can’t find a 301 redirect there is one you can use called 302 redirect. To learn how to use it, read this. Redirect can be very useful in a website.

By using these simple techniques you can avoid to pay any major penalty in your organic search results.

Clear Out Duplicate Content on Your Site

Just find out what are the page titles of your homepage are completely different from your other page titles, sometimes, people put duplicate content on your site,

there is nothing wrong with this if this page has lot of content then you can think about some other page about same thing,

if this page has little content then it is okay to do this but otherwise avoid this, this will destroy your backlinks and traffic Use Test or A/B testing An easy way of improving traffic to your site is by A/B testing,

it is easy to do test and see the results on your own but when it comes to some important metrics it may be really hard to do this.

Part TwoTechnical Off-Page SEO

In some cases, it is not possible to get high rankings in organic SEO. In those cases you should try out on-page optimization. by this I mean: Don’t leave out any design,

add functionality in the right place when it comes to mobile the basics are good enough. so don’t complicate your mobile app. When it comes to creating a special page for each item in your site,

there is more useful functionality you should add, since it would be redundant to create similar pages When you see any good example in your feed of a site you like for your content or for the layout,

add them to your site. You need to add links to the good ones you find when it comes to search engine optimization there is a special danger for designers,

we need to know what keywords and phrases to use in order to be safe.

you can read best WordPress SEO strategy

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