how to do keyword research with google keyword planner/smart trendse

you know how to keyword research

Today I will discuss with you.  about kw research. When we make a post,  With this post, many visitors will visit our site. If you want it, you will need a good-quality keyword. Let’s not know how to get the desired keyword. Google kw Planner is one of the best ways, today we will know how to do a job with google kw planner.

This is absolutely essential to the success of any website because keywords are what people use to find websites and are what search engines use as the basis for their rankings. Good keyword research increases the probability that search engines will rank the pages on your website high for your target keyword, and bad keyword research (which often means no keyword research) will doom your website to the search engine cellars.

how to keyword research with google keyword planner:

Since search engine visibility is a key factor in attracting targeted search referral traffic, the higher you rank, the more traffic your website will receive. Clearly, In order to ensure you get the most out of your keyword research – and, in so doing, increase the volume of targeted traffic to your website – make sure that the keywords your research identify meet the following four key criteria (work through them in the order in which they appear):
so let’s go we learn today how to do keyword research with google keyword planner. so let’s go for keyword Research…

now you go here for google keyword planne

then you click the start now up right corner. after you log in to go-to tools,

after you click the tools you will see this…follow the number…2

3 now start from here


4 type here your keywords

5 and wait for getting the result


follow the number 6 and mark all keyword

here number  7 select all then click add keywords to create plane

now number 8  and find you saved  kw

number 9   now click the download button

now final step click the .csv file

and enjoy with your  new keywords and doing forward your work,,,,

if you want to know how to earn money with affiliate marketing. you can read  here

3 thoughts on “how to do keyword research with google keyword planner/smart trendse”

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